Starlog 2011-10-22
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Coinjock, NC. ECSP Oct 2011
Lots of scopes, star party
2000 - 04:30
Objects Seen
- M11
- M17 (Swan Neb)
- M18
- M25
- M26
- M27 (dumbbell) saw central star in kent's scope
- M33 (pinwheel) in Alan's 20"
- M39 (maybe), definitely
- M42 (orion nebula) saw 6 stars of trapezium with my scope and a 7mm Pentax eyepiece, also in kent's 25"
- M57
- NGC 1275 (Galaxy in a cluster in Perseus A)
- NGC 6818
- NGC 6822, Barnard's galaxy, part of our local group
- NGC 7009 (saturn nebula) in kents 25" and my 10" dob. Clearl blue tint
- NGC 7331 (spiral galaxy in peg)
- NGC 7129 (rose nebula) with mike's 18" dob
- Double cluster with mike's
- NGC 7000 (North american nebula) with mike's
- Jupiter, with 3 moons aligned, then unaligned later on. 6 bands