Good Eats Sour Pickles
Let it be known that these are incredibly good. Once you make one batch, you will never, ever want to eat another store bought pickle. I had no idea what I was missing.
- 1/2 onion, thinly sliced
- 2 medium cucumbers, thinly sliced (I use 4 of the locally grown crunchy cucs, the small ones.)
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup champagne vinegar (couldn't find this so I've been using white wine vinegar with good results)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 tbs + 2 tsp kosher salt
- 1 tsp mustard seeds
- 1/4 tsp turmeric
- 1 tsp celery seeds
- 1 tsp pickling salt
- 4 cloves garlic, crushed
- Combine onions and cucs in a jar
- Combine all other ingredients sans garlic in a sauce pan
- Bring to a boil for 4 minutes (your house will stink of cooking vinegar, open a window)
- Add liquid to pickle jar
- Add garlic on top
Cool to room temp, top off jar, then fridge for as long as needed (few months)
If the garlic turns blue, that is normal.